TaskPerk™ Policy

Last modified: March 27, 2018 (view archived versions)

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#Privacy Policy

1. General

This is the privacy policy of TaskPerk™, (heretoafter referred to as "TaskPerk™") which applies to all TaskPerk™ websites and services.

This privacy policy of TaskPerk™ is intended for all users of the TaskPerk™ websites and services ("user"). The TaskPerk™ services relate primarily to advertising from third parties ("advertising partners") on websites and services operated by other third parties ("publishers") as well as advertising via the own assets operated by TaskPerk™ ("services") and third parties ("resellers") using the assets of TaskPerk™ in order to publish advertisements from their own advertising partners. Therefore users are mainly advertisers, publishers, resellers and other interested parties or their employees. Among the users are also users of services on the Internet provided by publishers and resellers ("publisher-user") as well as other private users who are in direct contact with us.

All personal information that TaskPerk™ collects through users by the use of the websites and services that users voluntarily submit and provide in the course of all business relations will handled by TaskPerk™ in regards to applicable data protection legal provisions.

TaskPerk™ saves and uses data to prevent and combat fraud and abuse on TaskPerk™ websites and services and to offer services adapted to our users. All details are laid out in this privacy policy.

2. Application of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is only applicable to the websites and services of TaskPerk™. It does not apply to the websites and services of the publishers. In the event that the user is forwarded, for instance via redirect, link or an advertisement, to another website or service not operated by TaskPerk™, the user will be informed by TaskPerk™ that this document does not apply to website or service concerned. TaskPerk™ declares to not be responsible for the way the operator of the other website handles data. In particular, TaskPerk™ is not responsible that this privacy policy does not apply on websites and services not operated by TaskPerk™. TaskPerk™ recommends to all users to always read and check carefully the privacy policy of third party websites.

3. User Personal Information

TaskPerk™ collects, processes and stores personal information from the user that the user voluntarily submits via forms on the website or services or elsewhere operated by TaskPerk™ in electronic or any other form of communication. To register to use the websites or services from TaskPerk™ the user needs to submit certain personal information. This includes among other things names and email address.

4. Location Data Policy

TaskPerk™ Earn Cash for Survey ("we," "our," or "us") collects and uses location data to enhance your experience and ensure compliance with our policies.

How We Use Location Data

We collect your location data for the following purposes:

  1. To display surveys relevant to your geographic region.
  2. To verify your current location against the information provided in your profile.
  3. To notify you of discrepancies between your current location and profile information via a soft warning (toast notification).
  4. To prevent fraudulent activity, such as altering location with proxies or VPNs. Users engaging in such activities may have their survey access limited.

Data Sharing

  • Your location data is used exclusively for the purposes described above.
  • We do not share location data with any third parties.

Data Security

We implement industry-standard measures to protect your location data, including encryption during transmission and secure storage.

Opt-Out Option

You may disable location services through your device's settings. However, doing so may limit certain features of the App, including access to location-specific surveys.

5. Storage of Information

Usage Data:

When a user makes use of websites or services operated by TaskPerk™, TaskPerk™ automatically saves through usage of cookies the domain name and/or IP address of the computer used to contact TaskPerk™ as well as the date, length of visit at website or service operated by TaskPerk™, pages accessed by the user and browser used.

Mobile Use of the Services:

Via smarphones, tablets or other mobile devices users can also access content and services from TaskPerk™. TaskPerk™ then stores the device's identification number (i.e. ANDROID_ID, IMEI, MAC Adresses) that accesses the content or service in an anonymized form as well as the standard technical information (i.e. operating system version, device type, and so on) to enable the user to access the content or service.

Email Address:

If submitted, TaskPerk™ stores the email addresses of its users. Users either submit their email address voluntarily via contact form or by submitting it in the course of direct communication with TaskPerk™.

Information via Communication:

TaskPerk™ saves the history of communication, when the user submits a ticket to TaskPerk™ customer support as well as the information submitted by the user in the course of the communication (i.e. email address). TaskPerk™ does this in order to answer the user inquiry as best as we can. We do not share this information with third parties.

Other voluntarily submitted Information:

Our main concern is to always try to improve our offers and services as well as to adapt them to its users as best as we can. In the course of that approvement process the user can submit additional information to TaskPerk™ as part of the use of offers and services operated by TaskPerk™ or in the course of direct communication. Information stored are such as name, address, age, gender, interests and, if applicable, payment data. Payment data is only stored if the user processes a payment via TaskPerk™. The user can also allow TaskPerk™ to record their usage behavior on partner websites.

6. Third Party Information Gathering

Usage data from Publishers (publisher-user):

Publishers who work with TaskPerk™ share information about behavior of the publisher-user's usage. TaskPerk™ needs the publisher-user's data in order for the the user to receive benefits for offers from the publisher. By doing so, the publisher assigns each user a personal ID ("UserID") connected with the usage data. The UserID can only be read out by the publisher. TaskPerk™ is not able to directly associate the usage data shared by the publisher via the UserID with the user. TaskPerk™ can only determine the identity of the publisher-user if the publisher-user itself initiates such a request.

Thus, the information transmitted by the publisher to TaskPerk™ is not related to one individual. This applies unless the publisher-user disclosed its identity and therefore waiving the protection of his private information (for instance accessing the publisher's content with a user name connected to the real name or entering the email address on the publisher's website). In this case, but not solely, TaskPerk™ is entitled to the above-mentioned rights to use the personal information.

Nevertheless publisher-users should check the privacy policy of the publisher's website in regard to the publisher's handling of personal information.

7. Use of Personal Information

Optimization of the service:

TaskPerk™ collects, processes, and stores users' personal information, when seeing a legitimate business purpose for it. Expressed in a different way TaskPerk™ collects, processes, and stores user data to better understand users of their websites and services and therefore offer them better services. For instance TaskPerk™ can not only use the information stored for direct processing of the agreement concluded with the user (for example use of services, creation of invoices, use of customer support), but also use it to identify malfunctions and/or misuse of TaskPerk™ websites and services.

Prevention and combat of abuse:

Thus, TaskPerk™ logs and stores information on the use of TaskPerk™ websites and services such as activity on the publisher's website and service in regard to customers' advertisements or services, including the monitoring of behavior patterns and checking for manipulations. This can be useful and therefore is used to detect misuse or improper activity by the user or publisher-user. TaskPerk™ uses special software to detect the use of illicit scripts and identify the IP address as well as other data in regard to the behavior of users and publisher-users. If TaskPerk™ determines that a user or publisher-user violates its contractual obligations, for instance by using illicit scripts, TaskPerk™ explicitly reserves the right to bring the user's or publisher-user's data together with other data stored by TaskPerk™ on this person to prove the violation. We will then possibly take additional measures against the users or publisher-users concerned to restore normal operation.

Billing of services:

Insofar as it is required for billing, TaskPerk™ is entitled to share user data with the service provider responsible for payment processing. TaskPerk™ is also entitled to provide user data to third parties authorized to collect outstanding balances, insofar as this information is required or useful to collect the balance. When cooperating with third parties for these services, TaskPerk™ will obligate them to observe applicable data protection laws and guarantee sufficient data protection.

Market research:

TaskPerk™ is entitled to anonymously use the information stored by and from the user or publisher-user to evaluate interests, user behavior and demography. TaskPerk™ is also entitled to anonymously analyze information stored about the user or publisher-user in an statistical and aggregate form. If and to the extent to which TaskPerk™ uses data to create user profiles, TaskPerk™ will never share the profiles with third parties without the consent of the person concerned and will immediately cease the use of the user profile if the user or publisher-user objects to it.

Personalized offers:

Based on the information submitted to TaskPerk™ as well as the actions within TaskPerk™ websites and services, TaskPerk™ may allow third parties to contact the user for advertising purposes. As long as the user does not object to the use of its user data for this purpose, advertising can be sent that matches his or her profile and interests. The information cannot be attributed to the user, unless the user voluntarily made this information on a website or service operated by TaskPerk™.

Email Address:

The email addresses acquired through an offer form of TaskPerk™ or received directly from the user can be used by TaskPerk™ to send the user newsletters and information on TaskPerk™ offers. The user can withdraw this consent by objecting at any time via email at no charge. The user will have the opportunity in every information and newsletter sent by TaskPerk™ to unsubscribe or send a cancellation notice via mail.

If the user voluntarily shares personal information on request by TaskPerk™ , then TaskPerk™ will use this information with his or her consent so that the user receives personalized special offers.

8. Sharing of Personal Information

User Data:

Personal and pseudonymized user data is used solely by TaskPerk™. It is not shared with third parties. Information received by third parties about user behavior is received only without being able to attribute it to a specific person.

Personal Information:

TaskPerk™ will use and when necessary share personal information in the course of fraud prevention and detection.

TaskPerk™ will transmit user's personal information to advertisers and resellers only when the user redeems a promotional offer of such a partner company participates in a survey and the information is required for processing or for participation in the survey.

TaskPerk™ will not provide third parties with email addresses or information from the communication with customer support or other information volunteered to TaskPerk™.

9. Changing or Deleting Personal Information

The user and publisher-user can change or delete his personal information at any time. The user or publisher-user can as well contact TaskPerk™, if they would like TaskPerk™ to change or stop using their information. TaskPerk™ will change or delete the user's or publisher-user's information as quickly as possible. However, TaskPerk™ points out that due to technical and organizational constraints, it is possible that some ongoing measures or those that have not yet begun may continue to be carried out after the request for deletion to TaskPerk™ has been made.

10. Disclosure of personal information

TaskPerk™ will disclose all of the information stored about the user or publisher-user immediately and unchanged on request by the user or publisher-user. The information will always be conveyed in electronic form via email. Exceptions might be made after consulting the TaskPerk™ support.

11. Changes to the Privacy Policy

While observing current data protection laws TaskPerk™ reserves the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Therefore TaskPerk™ recommends to regularly inform yourself about the current privacy policy stated here. In the event that TaskPerk™ intends to use personal user or publisher-user information on a larger scale than it has been used up to now, TaskPerk™ will announce this beforehand.

12. Support and Contact

For any questions regarding the Privacy Policy or other matters please contact us.

When contacting us, we keep a record of that correspondence and collect your email adress and other information in that matter as stated above. This will only happen for archival purposes as well as for further correspondence and optimization of our website and services. Your email adress will not be used, transfered or sold.

#Refund Policy

1. General

This is the refund policy of TaskPerk™, (hereinafter referred to as "TaskPerk™") which applies to all TaskPerk™ websites and services.

This refund policy of TaskPerk™ is intended for all users of the TaskPerk™ websites and services ("user"). The TaskPerk™ services are digital in nature and hence once the delivery of the service/campaign is complete then it is not reversible thus refund are only possible in special cases as discussed further.

  • No refund can be processed for change of business plan at the client's end. In the event a customer has paid for a service and then requests for a refund only because there was a change in mind, the refund shall not be considered as there is no fault, defect, or onus on TaskPerk™.
  • The Refund shall be only considered in the event there is a clear, visible deficiency with the service or product purchased from TaskPerk™.
  • 2. Payment Refund

    2.1 Refund on Invoices:
    If the user has added funds to their USD Balance or make any purchase or placed any order then they may ask for the refund as per the following:-

    • If asked within an hour, a full refund minus gateway fee (min: $1) will be applicable.
    • If asked within a day, a full refund minus 5% handling+gateway fee (min: $1) will be applicable.
    • If asked after a day, a full refund minus 10% handling+gateway+markup fee (min: $1) will be applicable.

    Please find some exceptions below:-

    • No refund, if funds associated with the invoice are used either partially or fully i.e user must not use their funds for purchasing any services such as creating campaigns or placing orders.
    • No refund, if payment was made by wire or bank transfer or cryptocurrencies or any non-instant payment method/gateway.
    • No refund, if payment was made by gateways that don't have the facility to refund the transaction.

    2.2 Refund on Campaigns/Orders:
    Refund associated with campaigns/orders will be given to your USD Balance only. If the user creates the campaign or places the order using their USD Balance and do not want to continue with the same then they may terminate the campaign or cancel the order (if applicable and available) to get the refund, back to their USD Balance. The refund may be partial depending on the progress of the campaign/order already achieved. Please find some exceptions below:-

    • No refund, if the situation comes under the "SERVICE DISCLAIMER" section of our ToS given at https://taskperks.com/page/terms.php#ToS.
    • No refund, if the promoted app is not free to download or malware or does not exist in play store or app store.
    • No refund, if the campaign underperforms due to narrow targeting or limited reach such as low/standard traffic, small population/country, low bid/budget ...etc.
    • No refund, if the ranking of your app does not improve or fluctuates after running app install campaigns on our platform (we charge you for install, not ranking).
    • No refund, if the promoted app does not exist within the Top 250 search results for the targeted keyword in the targeted country.
    • No refund, if the user runs direct offers or promotes 3rd party apps and the associated campaign underperforms due to competition with campaign already running for the same app at higher bid.
    • No refund, if the ratings/ratings delivered by us are blocked/deleted by Google.

    2.3 Refund on Wallet Balance
    Wallet balance is non-refundable.

    3. Payment Disputes & Chargebacks

    You must not dispute PayPal directly, without contacting the support team first. You may use PayPal dispute at the end when you are not satisfied with the resolution given by support team but you must first contact support in any case and explain your problem or justify the need for the refund.
    Note: make sure you must wait for the response /resolution by the support team after you reach us.

    If you dispute PayPal directly without contacting support first or waiting for a response/resolution from them then you may become ineligible for any refund from our end at all because in that case you have breached our policy by going against to it. Please note that If you contact support then your problem will be solved as soon as possible, but PayPal dispute will delay it upto 10 times or more than 30 days. Its better to contact support and get resolution faster and smoother.

    4. Special / Other Cases

    There are some cases which are special i.e does not come under any of the above and need to be discussed exclusively, In such case, you can contact support and explain your problem, if we found your problem genuine then we may give you the refund or proper resolution.

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